Monday, April 11, 2011

Changing of the blog

I am going to start changing things in my blog as I learn how and make a real effort to update often. Make it more about Jake and our challenges in parenting a child with reflux and formula allergies. We have been to the dr office weekly since Feb 12th started with Bronchiolitis, then RSV, once that cleared I had this no napping screaming baby all the time who spit up often. We swapped from Soy formula to Alimentum, no luck, then went to Neocate then he got the flu. We went back to alimentum for a week, then Neocate. We are still using the Neocate now with Rice cereal mixed in, we cannot use Gerber because it has soy in it and soy doesnt agree with Jake. We had blood tests done to see why he kept a higher temp all this time as well but all of those were negative. Friday we took him for a Barium Swallow with a GI specialist and at least his anatomy looked good. We cannot get a prescription for Neocate bc we need to see a GI specialist so the dr has been giving us samples. I finally got Jake on a good napping schedule and with naps and longer ones at that he is not as cranky. I have to catch him about 90 to 2hrs after awaking and get him back to sleep otherwise he will melt down unless we are out in public. We have one more GI test that will eventually be scheduled. We are also dealing with the fact of his fontenal being closed up too soon. The neurosurgeon advised our pediatrician to keep measuring his head and see if it is still growing. We are going today for that check up as well as following up for him having Bronchiolitis again. We went a week of no sleep at night, it was rough on both my hubby and I but we somehow made it through. We just keep on chugging along and hoping for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Jake is so awesome and such a fighter! I heart him! I demand you keep good on your word and update your blog more often! I would love to read it!
