So with this lil man I decided I would breastfeed and cloth diaper.. I have been working on my diaper stash for a few months now, at least since June or May I would say.. I am trying little bits of everything! I am some AIO, pockets, and prefolds.. A friend of mine is also CDing so she is sharing her newborn stash with me so that is saving me from buying a lot of new born items. I love the cloth diapers because they are SO cute! I started off with the idea that it will be cheaper in the long run, and it will I am sure, its just getting the stash to that point that can be difficult, I have been doing mine in small increments and purchasing new, used and WAHM(work at home mom) made items!
I also am doing a lot of reading up on BFing since I really want to make the effort this time, my family is not supportive of it, well I should say my sister isn't. My mom and husband are supportive of it all the way. So being the silly woman I am instead of reading baby books this time I am reading BFing books! I liked So That's What They're for! I just finished it yesterday and I learned so much from it that I never really knew! All these facts, and why it hurts and all of it.. I also am having a post partum doula come in and help me out after baby arrives, she is different from a regular doula, because she is for after baby, she helps with adjusting to life as a new mom/ family.. Granted I am not a new mommy by any means, I do have a 5 yr old I raised mostly on my own! But it's been a long time since having a baby in the house, I am going to be learning CDing and BFing so that will all be new, plus my hubby has never been around babies.. THAT should be interesting! LOL.. He has helped me with the boys I watch a little bit in learning to change regular diapers, but he will have to learn to calm and sooth his own child and dress the baby and all of it.. So having a helper in the house will be great, plus she will also help Allie adjust to her role as big sister and not only child anymore.. That was a big step for us, bc she wanted a little sister and not a brother so tears were shed when she learned she would have a brother.. But she is finally more accepting of that, for now.. LOL..
Oh by the way I love Etsy!! I got the lil man a hat and booties set from there.. So CUTE!!
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